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Hundreds sign petition to stop Gidea Park library from closure.

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Hundreds of local residents have signed a petition to fight the closure of Gidea Park library.

The petition, started by Gorry Karir-Sodhi, was launched following Havering Council’s recent proposal to shut down five public libraries in Havering in a bid to generate more savings.

Gorry writes: “I am a member of the Havering community and use the library facilities regularly. The local library is not just a place for books; it’s a vital community hub where people of all ages come to learn, connect, and grow. Libraries provide essential services such as free internet access, educational programs, and safe spaces for children and teens. Losing our local library would be a significant blow to our community’s education and social well-being.”

The petition has been supported by the Member of Parliament for the area, Andrew Rosindell who has also been fighting the closure of the Gidea Park and Collier Row library.

You can find the link to the petition at

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One thought on “Hundreds sign petition to stop Gidea Park library from closure.

  • 23rd May 2024 at 5:43 pm

    This is very ironical.
    The MP who voted with the government in favour of the reduction to local government funding now joins with councillors of the administration who largely mismanaged the borough’s finances until last year to campaign against the inevitable results of the policies he supported.


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