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A breach of trust-Havering Residents Association fail to keep their word.

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Havering Labour Group respond to selection of new mayor.

Havering Resident Association Councillors yesterday evening (Wednesday 22nd May) chose to ignore the working arrangement between their Party and the Labour Group. Flouting convention and acting against an understanding regarding mayoralty succession, they have nominated and voted one of their own councillors to become Mayor this year at the expense of last year’s Deputy Mayor, Councillor Patricia Brown.

“While it is not the case that the previous Deputy automatically becomes Mayor, the fact remains that an agreement was in place between our two Groups on this and other issues” said Councillor Trevor Mckeever, Labour Mayor of Havering from 2022 to 2023. “The HRAs have reneged on their word and gone against an arrangement their own Leader supported.”

Labour Leader Keith Darvill was also taken aback by the decision, he said:”Ultimately the success of any working agreement is based on mutual respect and trust. This most recent breach has seriously damaged both of those.”

Outgoing Deputy Mayor, Patricia Brown commented: “It is disappointing that expected tradition and the Labour Group’s expectations have been disregarded to the detriment of the working agreement forming the basis of the current joint administration. In fact, HRA members have demonstrated time and again over the past two years that self-service comes before working together for the benefit of residents”

Councillor Kathy Tumilty, Labour Group Whip commented “It is bewildering that a set of councillors who claim to be non-political have been able act in such an undisciplined manner and create discord. A breach such as this puts questions into our minds about their integrity going forward”

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