Terms and Conditions for Contributors to The Havering Daily


Welcome to The Havering Daily. We are an independent media company providing local news and information to the community of Havering. We welcome contributions from individuals who wish to share their knowledge, expertise, and stories with our readers. However, to ensure that all content published on our platform is of high quality and meets our editorial standards, we have established the following terms and conditions for contributors.

Ownership and Copyright

By submitting content to The Havering Daily, you confirm that you are the sole owner of the copyright in the material, or that you have obtained all necessary permissions to use and publish the material. You also grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, reproduce, publish, and distribute the content on our platform, on any other media, and in any format.

Content Guidelines

All content submitted to The Havering Daily must comply with our editorial standards and guidelines. We reserve the right to reject or remove any content that we consider inappropriate, offensive, or in breach of these guidelines. Specifically, we do not publish content that:

  • Contains defamatory, offensive, or discriminatory language or material
  • Infringes the copyright or intellectual property rights of others
  • Promotes illegal activities or contains harmful or malicious content
  • Is inaccurate, misleading, or untrue
  • Contains advertising or promotional material for products or services

Editing and Revisions

The Havering Daily reserves the right to edit or revise any content submitted by contributors to ensure that it meets our editorial standards and guidelines. We may make changes to the content, including correcting grammar and spelling errors, removing or adding information, or altering the tone or style of the content. We will notify you of any significant changes to your content before publication.


The Havering Daily does not currently offer payment for contributions. However, we do offer a platform for you to showcase your work and reach a wider audience.


We will credit you as the author of the content and provide a by-line or author bio as appropriate. However, we reserve the right to remove or alter the attribution at our discretion.


By submitting content to The Havering Daily, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from your content, including any claims of infringement of intellectual property rights.


The Havering Daily reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time, for any reason, without notice.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

By submitting content to The Havering Daily, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at newsdesk@thehaveringdaily.co.uk.