Romford MP steps in to stop tree destruction by Network Rail.

Following an outcry by the local community at the destruction of their much loved trees, Mr Rosindell joins in to support his community and secures a temporary reprieve for the trees and wildlife.

Late last night the Romford MP Andrew Rosindell delivered the news to his community that he had secured a temporary reprieve for the hundreds of trees marked for destruction by Network Rail. Mr Rosindell had heard from his community about the butchering of trees along the railway lines between Romford and Gidea Park and Romford and Upminster lines and joined his community to give his support stating ‘I am calling on Network Rail to stop their desecration of trees. They are doing this having conducted no consultation with me or local people. This is shameful’. The MP was appalled and disgusted and immediately offered his support to the community.

Yesterday (Wednesday 12 January) residents woke up to see a very old Oak tree that clearly had much wildlife on it including birds nests and squirrels, being destroyed. They had been given no prior warning and were furious to see a tree that had been there for hundreds of years now face destruction.

Locals gathered together to fight against the destruction of their trees and the many forms of wildlife, and the David V Goliath battle had begun. Locals are now going to fight even harder to save their trees.

A petition was launched by Jodie who lives on Carlton Road and has received hundreds of signatures to stop the destruction of our trees.

These trees have been there for many years and have not caused an issue so far to trains, so locals are now questioning why have Network Rail decided to openly destroy and kill trees and wildlife during a time when trees are so vital to our planet. They also house so much vital wildlife, some that are protected species such as bats and stag beetles.

The fight to save these trees will now continue even harder by locals who are not prepared to lose trees. The gung ho attitude to destroy our wildlife has angered the local community who are taking a strong stance against this. If the rail company thought they were going to do this work quietly slipping under the net and not being noticed, sadly they are very wrong as this community is now demanding answers from their CEO on why they are openly destroying trees across our communities.

Mr Rosindell released this statement last night:

“I have today acted to stop the destruction of trees along the railway lines. Network Rail have agreed to my demands that no more trees should be cut down without justification and a proper consultation with local people will now take place.”

Please see the link below to sign the petition.

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