Horror stabbing on train-Is London now the knife crime capital of Europe?

Passengers on a south London train were horrified to see a man stab another man in broad daylight in front of a carriage full of passengers. The incident happened just before 4pm at Shortlands train station in Bromley yesterday, 27 March.

The social media video shows a male dressed in black jogging bottoms, a black hooded jacket and wearing a face mask, carrying a very large knife, clearly stabbing another male despite screams from passengers on the train to stop. Not only did he not stop, but he carried on regardless stabbing the man on the floor who has been left with life changing injuries.

This horrendous incident highlights the horrors of knife crime once again, but will anyone actually do anything now? Will those in authority who have chosen to ignore this for so long, now actually realise that this is a public health crisis on our streets?

If you do not care for our youth, then look at the fact that tourists will not willingly choose London as it is becoming the stabbing capital of Europe.

Before people point the finger at our police, let’s make this clear, we cannot police our way out of this. It is, as we write each week for years now, something that needs to be addressed by the whole community. Parents, teachers, health workers, social services, youth workers, everyone needs to join forces to stop these horrors from taking place.

The key here is understanding what has led our youth to be so blatant in knife carrying. Why are they choosing to ignore so many pleas to not carry knives but continue to keep carrying out these horrendous attacks? Tackle the roots of the problem.

Clearly London, like many other cities has a knife crime epidemic and this incident has just visibly highlighted what bereaved parents have been stating for years-there is a huge problem here that is not being addressed.

Bereaved parents are tired, tired of campaigning and shouting for help to stop knife crime and no one listens. Police officers are normally first on scene and deal with the horrific aftermath.

Sadly, not many people will be shocked by this incident, as awful as it maybe. The saddest part is people are so used to knife crime that most actually switch off from it and say-‘another stabbing’. Our youth are completely de-sensitised to knife crime as they have grown up with it and it is part of their everyday life, that’s how bad it actually is.

The question here is-will anyone acknowledge the actual horror of this incident, or will it just pass by like all the others?

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One thought on “Horror stabbing on train-Is London now the knife crime capital of Europe?

  • 28th March 2024 at 7:32 pm



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