‘He was a great man’- Andrew Rosindell MP pays tribute to former Romford Deputy President.

Our dear friend and Deputy President of the Romford Conservative Association, The Hon. Denis Walker, yesterday passed away.Denis was a true and loyal friend, who I was very fortunate to have known for nearly four decades.

 He was a member of the Romford Conservative Association since the 1990s and was a magnificent supporter in so many ways.  He would always attend events and often say grace at the start of dinners, he would also take part in campaigning with us and made regular donations to our funds, especially at General Elections.

The Hon. Denis Walker served in the government of Ian Smith in Rhodesia as Minister for Education.  He left the country to come and live in the UK, after the tyrannical regime of Robert Mugabe took power.  Having come to Britain, he spent many years running and promoting organisations and causes that supported traditional conservative and Christian values, including the Constitutional Monarchy Association, the Conservative Monday Club, the Zimbabwe-Rhodesia Relief Fund, the Rhodesia Christian Group and many others.

Denis was a wonderful and inspirational man and I feel privileged that he became part of my life, which he then extended to the life of our whole Association.

I was fortunate to be able to speak to Denis on the phone just after Christmas and had a lovely conversation with him, wishing him a very happy 90thbirthday, which took place on the Friday 29th December 2023.

Yesterday evening, I sent my heartfelt condolences to his wife Jill, their son Trevor and the family.

 For those who would like to attend the funeral, do please let me know and I will forward on details as soon as I have them.

If you would like to send a letter to Jill and the family, I can also provide you with the address on request.

What a sad start to the new year.  In the words of our former Chairman, Cllr. Miss Judith Holt, “He was a great man!”.


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