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VIDEO:Gidea Park residents angry at filthy streets covered in rubbish.

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Residents going past The Drill roundabout walking their children to school, are angry at having to walk through pavements covered in rubbish including dirty nappies, food and cardboard literally strewn all over the road and pavements.

This has been going on for nearly a year now. Local resident Faryal told the Havering Daily: “This is a weekly occurrence. It is always before the rubbish collection day which is Tuesday for this area.

“It has been going on and off for about a year, but it happens every week. It is always the same spot and we are left with nappies, left over food, household waste, plastic wrappers and containers.”

Another resident Amanda told us: “This is disgusting and also happens in the gap between Tesco Express and the bakery.”

The Havering Daily contacted the Ward Councillors for the area, Councillors Keith Prince,Christine Vickery and Michael White. Councillor Vickery reported the rubbish to the relevant department and all three Councillors visited the site yesterday afternoon.

Councillor Prince told the Havering Daily: “This is totally unacceptable we will keep a regular eye on this and ask officers to see if they can identify the culprits.

“This is clearly the result of people putting out their rubbish too soon and foxes tearing open the sacks.

“Residents and businesses should store their sacks in bins before the day of collection.”

The rubbish strewn all over the floor.

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