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EXCLUSIVE: Community steps in to call Police and RSPCA to rescue dog left in a cupboard in an Upminster shop.

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Residents in Havering are known for their love of animals and this was highlighted recently when locals heard a dog barking for days in a shop that was closed as the owners were believed to have gone away.

The police and RSPCA were contacted and the dog was rescued from the shop and taken by the RSPCA.

Kirstie from Upminster was made aware of the situation of the poor dog left on his own and took to social media for help.

Shop keepers next to the shop where the dog had been left on his own, worked with the different agencies to get the dog rescued.

A spokesperson for the RSPCA told the Havering Daily: “We were called to assist police following animal welfare concerns at a property in Upminster on 24 Feb. We are taking care of a dog which was seized by police. We are not able to say more while this is looked into further, but please be assured the dog is being well looked after. We’re grateful to people for reporting their concerns and looking out for the dog.”

Well done to everyone who has worked to rescue this poor dog and has expressed their voice against animal abuse.

A protest is being held outside the shop premises in Upminster where locals are asking residents to boycott the shop following reports of animal abuse.

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