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Nightmare rubbish dump gardens remain a year on despite owner being fined.

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Two gardens that resemble a rubbish dump have not been cleared despite a court order and have had even more rubbish added to them.

The properties on Elm Road in Collier Row have become an eye sore and a health hazard for neighbours who have to live next to these appalling conditions. Owner of the two properties Mr Keith Eaton ,was taken to court last year and ordered to pay a fine and remove the rubbish. Yet a year on, and no rubbish has been removed and ironically, more rubbish has been added to it.

Mr Eaton attended another court date in June this year and has now been given til August 23 to remove all the rubbish in his garden.

Residents living in the area are fed up with this situation that has been going on for over three years and has got progressively worse and worse.

Denise Hipson Avery who lives nearby told the Havering Daily: “Mr Eaton’s properties continue to be detrimental to the amenity of the area and I was disappointed that he did not clear his rubbish as instructed after his previous court appearance in June last year.

“It has cost him a further £5000 and an ongoing daily fine, and a further court appearance in August.”

Residents living near these two properties have had to put up with endless rubbish and also rats coming into their own gardens now.

Ward Councillor for Elm Road Councillor Dilip Patel told the Havering Daily: “Once again Mr Eaton has failed to clear his rubbish despite being ordered by the court to do so.I know this is very worrying for residents living on Elm Road who have had to put up with this awful situation.

“I sincerely hope that following another court appearance and further fine, he now clears this rubbish for good.”

The two properties on Elm Road with gardens full of rubbish.

Leader of the Councillor, Councillor Ray Morgan is very keen to tackle nightmare conditions like this and keep Havering as clean and tidy as possible. He told the Havering Daily: “This is something myself and my colleagues are keen to stamp out across the borough and will do everything we can to stop eyes sores like this. It is not right that residents have to live next to appalling conditions such as this.”

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