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Back Our Bobbies-former officer calls to public to support our police officers following shocking increase in suicide and PTSD.

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A former Met police officer is calling on the public to please support our police officers following a huge rise in PTSD and suicides amongst officers across the country.

Lobby Thornton who spent 30 years as a Met police officer now runs an Independent Peer Support Group called Trojan Wellbeing that supports officers well being, particularly their mental health. Lobby is reaching out to the public to please support our police officers that have faced endless criticism, especially by the ongoing media campaign to vilify and destroy the police.

Lobby told the Havering Daily:

“I am asking the public to please show their support. Next time you buy a cup of tea or coffee perhaps think about buying a suspended cup of coffee for an officer. As the public are aware, police officers don’t have canteens to use anymore, so a much needed cup of coffee would be appreciated.

“Officers at the moment feel under valued by the government and the media. There are many officers out their who do amazing jobs in our communities despite suffering mental health issues. It is important that we show these officers our support.”

Please show some support for our police officers during a very challenging time and think about leaving them a cup of tea or coffee.

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