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Andrew Rosindell celebrates twentieth anniversary as MP.

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Romford’s M.P., Andrew Rosindell, yesterday celebrated his twentieth anniversary as the Member of Parliament for the constituency.

Andrew was first elected to represent his hometown in the 2001 General Election. On a devastating night for the Conservative Party, Andrew’s result was described at the time by senior BBC journalist Jeremy Paxman as “the most remarkable Conservative result of the night.

He won well over half of the vote on the night in a swing of 9.2% to the Conservatives, which was the largest swing to the Conservatives anywhere in the U.K.

Romford was the first Conservative “Gain” of the 2001 General Election, with Andrew defeating a Labour M.P. who had a majority of 649, turning it into a Conservative majority of 5,977.

Since then, Andrew has been re-elected in 2005, 2010, 2015, 2017 and most recently in 2019 with his largest-ever share of the vote at 64.6%.

Andrew’s significant influence has meant that in local elections for Havering, virtually all Romford councillors since 2001 been from the Conservative Party.

Andrew is not just the M.P. for Romford; he has lived there all his life. He was born in Romford, attended local schools and is a Romford person through and through.

Andrew is known locally particularly for being the Havering Councillor who in 2000, fought and won the campaign to fly the Union Jack from Havering Town Hall, every day, all year round. He then did the same in Parliament after being elected, winning a nine-year campaign to fly the Union Jack from the Victoria Tower in the Houses of Parliament in 2010.

Andrew Rosindell M.P. said:

“It has been the greatest honour of my life to be the Member of Parliament for Romford.  Romford is so much more than a constituency to me.  It is my home – the place where I was born, educated and where I have lived all my life. 20 years as Romford’s M.P. is a milestone, but it’s business as usual for me today, working in Parliament for my constituents.  I hope to continue doing my job, with the support of the good people of Romford, for many more years to come!”

London Assembly Member for Havering, Keith Prince AM said:

“Andrew has been an amazing servant to the people of Romford. He works tirelessly to stand up for the people of Romford, constantly pressing the Government to make the changes that are right for his constituents.

Andrew’s commitment to Romford is reflected in the ever-improving support he receives at each election.”

Chairman of Romford Conservatives, Cllr Judith Holt said:

“I credit Andrew for my involvement in politics. I first met him just after he became M.P. and he gave me his business card, which I have always kept. I never dreamed it would transform my life. Thank you for everything, my dear friend.”

Former Mayor of Havering, Cllr Dilip Patel said:

“Andrew has served the Romford Constituency very well. He has always put residents’ concerns first nationally and locally.

He is the only M.P. I know who works for the community seven days a week. He is very proud of Romford’s heritage and fights to uphold this.

We thank Andrew for his commitment for the last twenty years representing Romford us as our Member of Parliament.”

Celebrating his 20th anniversary as Romford MP.

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One thought on “Andrew Rosindell celebrates twentieth anniversary as MP.

  • 8th June 2021 at 10:04 am

    My warmest congratulations to Mr Rosindale in celebrating 20 years as an MP for Romford. He is well known for working tirelessly for his constituents and always tries to help where he can. Shame his own party seem to want to kick him in the teeth because he doesn’t always tow the party line, but that politics for you. If you can’t stand the heat get out to the kitchen, but Mr Rosindale isn’t there yet. Whilst not a Conservative voter, though I did vote for Mr Bailey, here’s to another 20 years, if the party doesn’t get to you first.


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