‘Tier 4 terrible news but right decision to do everything we can to protect people’-Councillor Damian White.

Havering’s Leader of the Council, Councillor Damian White has called the placing of London into tier 4 ‘very terrible news’ but says it was the right decision to make.

He told the Havering Daily: “It is very terrible news but it is the right decision to take as we must do everything possible to ensure we protect people from this new strain. Our NHS is under immense pressure right now and we have to make sure that we all play our part in keeping the community safe.

“No one wanted to see Christmas curtailed but with the new strain being out there it is vital that we all play our part.”

Havering has had one of the highest infection rates across the south east and now with the borough and the rest of the south east being in tier 4, residents have been urged to please follow the rules.

“There is hope out there with the vaccine being rolled out. Many people have already had this vaccine and are delighted. This is a difficult time for everyone but we must all play our part and abide by the restrictions. It is important that we get through this as a community. If we do it now, it will mean less problems in the future. Please, stick by the rules and let’s all work together.”

7 thoughts on “‘Tier 4 terrible news but right decision to do everything we can to protect people’-Councillor Damian White.

  • Pingback:‘Tier 4 terrible news but right decision to do everything we can to protect people’-Councillor Damian White. - What's On In Romford

  • 22nd December 2020 at 8:22 am

    The initial crisis was announced just before parliament closed for the Easter holidays in March and due to this coincidence parliament agreed the Prime Minister could rule by decree during their holidays, as he still does. But as a few in parliament are now getting restive, the Prime Minister, to avoid a scene, announced plans to cancel Christmas (after saying he wouldn’t ban Christmas), after parliament had closed for their Christmas holidays. Did they/anyone expect that to happen?

    Allegedly this followed the best (up to date) medical expert advice money can buy, but is the new novel-virus pure invention to prolong the crisis for political reasons (Cui Bono), as it certainly doesn’t make medical sense according to: Web search Dr John Lee @ Daily Mail.

  • 22nd December 2020 at 8:29 am

    Anecdotally, but a very elderly friend with an underlying health condition fell ill after being vaccinated to protect them against the virus, and tested negative in hospital. Whilst there is a quack logic to vaccinating the vulnerable elderly, as they are most at risk, there is also an increased risk the vulnerable elderly will be at greater risk from new medication (as opposed supplements like Vitamin D) as due to age they have weaker immune systems, and so more at risk from side-effects.

    For this reason I have asked the Executive/Public Health to track the progress of the different vaccine roll-outs on Havering residents, to avoid unnecessary harm being inflicted on the vulnerable to keep them safe, particularly as I understand vaccine companies are being indemnified against any claims for compensation!

    Web search Dr Shiva Ayyadurai about understanding and strengthening the immune system.

    • 22nd December 2020 at 10:06 am

      As part of your contact with Executive/Public Health, perhaps you could also ask them to publish daily figures of the number of people who have been/are being, vaccinated in Havering. Quack logic can be applied to anything if one wants to do so, but we all know that vaccines do help, though not everyone. If it reduces the severity of the condition in most people, then it has to be a good thing. Will you, Mr Durrant, take the vaccine when it is available to you?

  • 22nd December 2020 at 9:54 am

    Great picture of Mr White, A bit headless to say the least. They say there’s none so blind as though who choose not see. And, isn’t this picture a bit old to be reused again. It’s had more exposure than the 15 to 20 minutes he actually spent at Elm Park Station, as opposed to the ‘all day’ that was touted as having been the case.

  • 23rd December 2020 at 8:34 am

    I’m in favour of a vaccine that ends the fear-porn being promoted by Government/BBC about a seasonal ‘flu’ virus as this fearmongering undermines public mental/health, economy and NHS.

    The prospect of a very expensive 95% effective novel-vaccine may seem good news, except anything counts as a 95% effective vaccine against a virus with a mortality rate of less than 0.07%!

    Better to strengthen the immune system with over 95% effective supplements like Vitamin D, rather than novel-vaccines with possible side-effects, particularly as the companies involved are being indemnified against liability, and progress existing effective therapeutics.

    Personally I’m adverse to taking any medication if I can help it and wouldn’t advise any medication to others either, but supplements are just the goodness within natural foods in tablet form, which are needed to strengthen the immune system, alongside healthy eating, exercise and socialising in the sunshine, ALL things the government is seeking to ban.


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