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West Ham Football Club join forces with bereaved mum and install bleed kits in their training ground.

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West Ham Football Club have joined forces with local bereaved mum Sue Hedges from the Ricky Hayden Memorial and installed three Daniel Baird bleed kits in all three of their training grounds.

Sue joined Jackie Ferdinand, the clubs Director of Safeguarding and Inclusion and Richard Collinge, the Director of Performance this week to hand over the life saving bleed kit.

Sue told the Havering Daily: I am so proud that West Ham United are backing our campaign to keep the community safe. Also our fight against knife crime. It was lovely to visit Rush Green training ground and meet the staff there.

“A Daniel Baird Foundation bleed bag is now at all three training grounds incase it is needed for any catastrophic bleed.”

Well done to Sue who is an incredible community champion and an amazing lady who is endlessly campaigning to stop knife knife crime and save lives.

Photo credit: West Ham United

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