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Beam Park councillors to meet with police officers after three violent incidents in 48 hours.

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Beam Park Councillors Trevor Mckeever and Matt Stanton will be meeting with police officers after three violent incidents in the area in the last 48 hours.

“The police have informed us that these incidents are linked, and that the individuals involved are all known to each other, and that arrests have been made, but this doesn’t mean that other residents living nearby, who have heard or seen these events, are not affected and worried” Councillor Mckeever told the Havering Daily.

“We understand the pressure that the police, like all public services, are under” continued Cllr McKeever, “but our residents deserve to be safe and to feel that when they report issues, they are being followed up on.

“I’d like to say directly to those people in our community who are injuring each other, who are drug dealing, or shoplifting… if you need help to make changes to your life, that help is out there. No one can do it for you, but you will be supported.”

Councillor Stanton was keen to emphasise that with limited resources, residents can help by regularly reporting incidents. He told the Havering Daily: “Even if it’s suspicious behaviour that falls short of being an observed crime, reporting an issue once, in this day and age, isn’t going to cut it. If something is happening every day or night it needs to be reported with the same regularity. And if after that issues are still persisting, we as your councillors want to know, because we want things to improve.”

People can report crime and suspicious activity anonymously through Crimestoppers – – or 0800 555 111

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