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Former Conservative Councillor joins Residents Association stating-‘I can see no future for that Conservative group in the running of Havering Council.’

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Councillor Robby Misir had been a Conservative Councillor for nearly twenty years. Now, he has quit the group stating that he can see no future for that group in the running of Havering Council and that his values no longer align with it.

Councillor Misir said:

“I have been a Councillor for some 20 years representing the ward now known as Marshalls and Rise Park ward. After careful consideration, I have decided to leave the Conservative Group as my values no longer align with it and I can see no future for that Group in the running of Havering Council.

 I have subsequently applied to and been accepted by the Havering Resident’s Association (HRA) to represent them as a councillor in my ward.”

Councillor Misir goes on to add:

“The HRA Administration is much more transparent than previous Council Administrations despite it facing far greater financial challenges. I also believe the HRA is better equipped and committed in dealing with these quite unprecedented threats to the Council. In the interests of Havering residents, I offer my full support and will continue to serve to the best of my abilities.”

 Cllr Robby R Misir (Marshalls & Rise Park HRA)




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One thought on “Former Conservative Councillor joins Residents Association stating-‘I can see no future for that Conservative group in the running of Havering Council.’

  • 30th January 2024 at 10:44 am

    That’s weird – I’ve just cancelled my membership of HRA having voted for them for 42 years.
    “much more transparent”?…..I don’t think so!
    I voted HRA and now get Labour Party policies (such as Ulez and their ‘Climate EMERGENCY’).
    HRA adamantly REFUSE to disclose the Memorandum of Agreement signed by Morgon, Gillian Ford and Darvill (which netted him an extra £25k a year as the BRAND NEW Cabinet Member for Climate AGENDA).
    This information should be in the public domain.
    ‘Openness, honesty and transparency’ – my backside!


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