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VIDEO: Rainham library launches a new food bank service for the community.

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When the three Rainham Councillors Jackie McArdle, Sue Ospreay and Sarah Edwards were voted as ward councillors, they vowed to make Rainham a much better place to live in for their community. True to their word, these three ladies have been working hard on their ‘rejuvenating Rainham’ campaign every week.

Yesterday, Wednesday 8 February, Rainham library, launched ‘the pantry’, a food bank service for the community. Councillor Jackie McArdle has been working closely with Head Librarian Jan to promote all the incredible work that happens daily at the library.

Every Wednesday the library will host the food bank service working with the Peabody Trust and its amazing volunteers. Locals can come to the library and for £5 cash, they can leave with over £20 worth of shopping. The only requirements are paying by cash and bringing your own shopping bags.

The library is also a warm space for many and has a winter coat shop available too.

On Wednesday, many different organisations such as Council Officers, Charity workers and local police officers are at the centre to chat with any members of the community in need.

Rainham library is a key part of our community and the launch of the new pantry yesterday is another way it is stepping up to the mark to help locals.

Well done to everyone involved, in particular Councillor Jackie McArdle who has been working tirelessly to get projects like these off the ground and Head Librarian Jan who is looking after her community.

Elm Park Councillor Stephanie Nunn with Peabody Trust volunteers and Councillor Jackie McArdle at the new ‘Pantry’ service launched at Rainham library yesterday.

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