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The Mercury’s Breakfast Club donate twiddlemuffs to Queen’s and King George Hospital.


Dementia and delirium patients at Queen’s and King George hospitals will benefit from colourful twiddlemuffs, knitted by members of The Mercury’s breakfast club.

The knitted hand-muffs, adorned with buttons in a mixture of shapes, sizes and textures, can help dementia and delirium patients by keeping their hands busy – so they are stimulated and engaged during their time in hospital.

Around 10 -15 members of the breakfast club, which meets regularly at the shopping centre in Romford, are keen knitters and were keen to find ways to help patients at the hospitals.

Hospital staff said: “We are so grateful to receive these twiddlemuffs. They will really benefit our patients.

“They can alleviate boredom, keep our patients stimulated and can even help keep them engaged and encourage them to take part in other activities. So, we are very pleased that these local knitters have donated these to us.”

Carrie from the breakfast club said, “Regardless of your sewing or knitting skills, it’s easy to get involved. Some members knitted and decorated a whole twiddlemuff, others knitted them leaving others who can’t knit to sew on buttons and ribbons, everyone worked together. Being able to donate something that makes a positive difference left us wanting to do more. It would be nice to create a twiddle blanket next! 

The twiddlemuffs were absolutely made with love, some sat and carefully deliberated over which buttons and beads to sew on.”

April from the breakfast club added; “The breakfast club is a social club open to everyone,whilst we come together to chat, interact and do various activities, we also like to give back to the community.”

One of the knitters, said: “We are so glad they have gone to the team at the hospital and arevery happy they’re being used.” If people can’t make it to the club, they could pick up a knitting pattern from the Mercury’s helpdesk for further information.”

The twiddlemuffs were donated to the King George and Queen’s Hospitals Charity on Monday 18th March.

The Mercury’s Breakfast Club meet every Monday 10am – midday in Della Continental and enjoy a vast range of weekly activities. For further information visit or pick up a leaflet from The Mercury’s helpdesk on level two.

Picture:The Mercury Breakfast Club members, Mercury Shopping Centre staff, Dementia and Delirium staff team members with hospital patient George. 

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